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Showing posts from June, 2011

Why do some people struggle with dreaming?

The big question these days on our Facebook site Medicine Wheel and Indigenous dreaming is: “Why do some people have a difficulty to dream?” There’s more than one answer to that question depending on the perspective we take. It would be incredibly easy to say that all those people who don’t have the dreamer role on their personal Medicine Wheel would find dreaming a challenge. The fact of the matter is this answer is actually accurate but does it explain how dreaming works and why one would find dreaming difficult without the dreamer role? Where most people understand the Medicine Wheel as an esoteric concept there are some who abide by this ancient science still today. It’s rare that you’ll find me talking about the brain when it comes to dreaming. From a sacred circle perspective there’s more than one physiological element that plays in the process of dreaming and each one plays a distinct role. It’s no different than working with our personal roles on our sacred circle (fire...

Umbilical Cords

I recently asked for some blog ideas, on our Facebook group the Medicine Wheel and Indigenous Dreaming. Sometimes I draw a blank. I was lucky enough to receive feedback from quite a few people. Thank you to everyone who keeps encouraging me to continue writing this blog. This time around I’m replying to Amanda’s question; but keep on reading because I’ll surely respond to the others in the following entries this month. QUESTIONS: Lisa, I've noticed that in the past couple of years, when I dream of you, there are always so many people around. The dream space is very crowded. It would be interesting to know how you stay connected to so many people. And how do you keep track of everyone? Amanda **** I quickly got inspired by Amanda’s question because it suggests that “dreaming is a lucid experience and that the people in our dreams aren’t just a figment of our imagination.” I’ve been studying about dreams for a bit over a few decades. There are countless angles to th...