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Showing posts from May, 2012


“When a person becomes interested in trees, the forest bursts forth with new life as if all the trees have suddenly come alive.”   Twylah Hurd Nitsch This month has been extra busy because we moved into our new house.   Between boxing, renovating, and finally moving into our home we’ve been learning the value of surrendering and deboning.   We don’t need to carry around so many things just because they hold memories.   It’s amazing how we stay attached to things because of how they fit into a particular personal story at a precise moment in time.   I’ve been repeating all month long “if it’s not practical and hasn’t been used in the last 12 months – let it go!” Yet, it isn’t so easy to detach from mementos especially if we’ve given them the burden to carry the weight of our childhood, adolescence, or a passionate love story… Along with moving boxes this month, I’ve also been transplanting trees, bushes and plants.   25 years ag...