In 1996 when I started doing dream time charts and dream interpretations I didn’t expect my efforts to actually reach the most remote corners of the Planet. At the time, I was deepening my understanding of dreaming, and learning with the help of a teacher the discipline of a traditional, indigenous dreamer. I was following a dream. Then, my focus wasn’t so much on who I was going to meet and how big of an impact my journey was going to make; I was more preoccupied with surviving ME: my journey, my growth, my skills, my thoughts, my emotions etc….. I don’t think anyone ever considers how their personal story can be valuable to others. In fact most people have the impression that nobody knows and nobody cares about them, --- particularly teenagers. As children our world is entertaining, scrutinized, applauded, reprimanded, and supervised by the adults in our lives. We reach adolescence and suddenly, we are asked to prove we are tr...
Stories about shamanic experiences.