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Showing posts from December, 2012

Winter Solstice Wishes.

Magic isn’t something you choose or you give; it is something that chooses you. The winter solstice is coming up on Friday and like every year this is a time for making wishes.  I think a lot of people confuse wishes with “demands”.  As Westerners especially from the 21 st century – we often confuse wishes with expectations and consumerism. A part of us believes that God, Spirit, Ancestors or even the Universe is there at our beckon call or owes us… Who doesn’t deserve to be rich, healthy, happy and merry? I was always told as I was growing up: “Ask the cosmos and it will deliver. “ I think a part of me always thought this meant an instantaneous response and if there wasn’t any – I felt sad, disappointed and even cheated. When my kids were growing up I was learning to apply the way of the Sacred Circle. So much about this philosophy is about giving meaning to pretty much everything; but mostly each of our experiences (actions, reactions, feeling...

Pack Leader.

My husband and I decided this summer that we should invest ourselves more in our city:  Montreal.   My son is a musician (drummer) and after College it was extremely difficult for him to find ways to make an income in his field.  It was then, that ET and I felt called to support and encourage new artists:  Young people who are struggling to get their ideas and visions out there.    There are quite a few venues in Montreal who offer live bands yet like in any fields the more experienced musicians get first pick.  Networking is definitely a must when it comes to music, acting and / or writing.  I remember how it was when I first came out of University.  I was looking for my chance to prove myself.  Unfortunately the opportunities are not always easy to find.  What’s most important to any artist is “an audience.”  So ET and I decided to make an extra effort towards applauding those who are trying to introdu...