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I got a call today from “one of you” and the question was: “If I’m good at manifestation what does that mean?” Well my first instinct was to answer – “give me 6 numbers and be sure there’s a whole lot of money in the draw this week,” but obviously what came out was a more wise and educated reply. Lots of people confuse manifestation with creation. I’ve heard countless individuals assume that because they were good at manifesting things in their life they were dabbling with creative energy. In truth, I’ve found that most people who excel in manifestation don’t possess creative natures. They are more practical, rational and strategic with their time, energy and intentions. These attributes certainly fit the person I was talking to.

To manifest you don’t necessarily have to be someone who is enlighten and big on positive energy. I’ve met people who are drowning in the negative and have more manifesting power than those who are seeking spiritual growth. The power behind manifestation is determination. The more you are driven the more you are apt to manifesting what you want and how you want it. Some people are driven to be miserable. Sad but true!!

Think of it as being a wizard with a wand. The wand is basically a tool that helps you catch, hold and use energy. Imagine one of your 4 bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) as the wand. Choose the body that is most dominant for you. Are you someone that is focused on the physical body? The kind of person that eats well and exercises without much effort. Or are you someone that is always thinking and loves ideas, philosophies, shape-shifting opinions based on observations etc… Perhaps, you’re the emotional kind quick to laughter, sadness and rage. And finally, are you the type that needs contemplation, praying and a consistent communion with Spirit and the World around you? You should be a bit of all four of these bodies but the exercise here is to find which one is with you every day – in a dominant way.

Once you’ve found the dominant body, you have a pretty good idea what your wand looks like. You can then figure out what “you are manifesting in your life.” Are you manifesting the positive or the negative? Remember that the wand is also about holding the energy and not just using it. So you can also figure out what is that you hold on to day in and day out. If you want to better use your wand then, the next step is to make a list of what you would love to manifest in your life in an ideal world. From there we can look at the comparison: What you’ve been manifesting and what you would like to manifest? Sometimes it’s just a matter of changing attitudes or making new choices.

Everyone can manifest. It’s a tool that all humans have. Where cats have whiskers, humans have hypersensitivity and the ability to manifest. Of course, if you are looking to manifest positive experiences, people or things in your life it may mean giving this ability a bit more time and effort. It may mean developing this tool to a fine art. Those who can manifest blessings in their lives are those who have been working a life time at being attentive to energy; at being responsible with energy; and at being good receptacles to energy. For some it may come as a mystery that they can manifest. For others it’s a given that they have to work at it. One way or another it takes acknowledging that we manifest positive and negative energy to learn how to tune it to our intentions and make it work for us.


P.S. Why this particular picture? Well my son at first didn't want to try board surfing because he didn't think he could get the hang of it. He tends to think he's not athletic. After a bit of coaxing - he decided to give it a try. He uncovered a hidden talent. He was quite good at the sport. His response to our teasing was "I don't think I'm good with surfing. I'm just good at manifesting whatever I want." I found his answer quite true.


Sublime said…
"The more you are driven the more you are apt to manifesting what you want and how you want it. Some people are driven to be miserable."

what would drive people to be miserable ?..What i mean is why would people choose to be or manifest misery ?
People who are driven to be miserable, is it becuse they are attracted to that type of energy ? How would this serve them?
(I just got a mental image of someone using misery, or choosing to stay in misery and using it as a tool or form of illusion & manipulation..)
Lisa F. Tardiff said…
Some people don't know any better. It's not that THEY chose to be miserable but more so -- life drives them to be miserable. It's a question of attitude. We all react differently to different life challenges. Some people are driven to make people pay for what wounds them... I think ignorance and programming are responsible for those who are driven to be miserable. Of course -- there are the very few who just love nasthiness.

Michelle said…
I remember being in school and a teacher saying to me You know Michelle if you think you can't your can't if you think you can you can....I hold that in my head with alot of my wonderful task's in life :)
MamaBearRosie said…
Hello Lisa!! Im happy to see you continueing your blog. Just read this page of manifesting!! What a great reminder for me at this time.
Ill be on line for only till beginning of October then gone again, so must get a chance to read your past posts here. Its a warming feeling to see your face and feel the wisdom of your words again. I have missed you!!
Lisa F. Tardiff said…
Rosie -- Nice to have you back for a little while. I hope you like what you see, here!!! I have kept up with my blog. I'm not here every day but I try to leave a little something every week. Take care.

Wheelkeeper said…
Those who can manifest blessings in their lives are those who have been working a life time at being attentive to energy; at being responsible with energy; and at being good receptacles to energy. For some it may come as a mystery that they can manifest. For others it’s a given that they have to work at it. One way or another it takes acknowledging that we manifest positive and negative energy to learn how to tune it to our intentions and make it work for us.

I really need to remember this and practice it!

Thank you Wapeyit!
Lisa F. Tardiff said…
Thank you Mary Rose. Your statement really hit home. It's true it takes working at manifestation to get better at it.


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