What do you know about gravity? Two decades ago when I started learning about the Medicine Wheel, the first thing that I noticed was how important gravity was to the Wheel. For starters, Medicine Wheels are built with stones where the space between the stones is precisely and strategically calculated. Both Isaac Newton’s and Albert Einstein’s theories are represented within Sacred Circle tradition. Isaac Newton for example explained gravity as “a force or a kind of magnetism.” With the help of an apple, he came up with three basic laws of motion. Albert Einstein on the other hand saw gravity as “the result of a curve between space and time.” Both their theories are crucial to today’s scientific exploration. The Medicine Wheel shows us that our First Nation ancestors were as interested in natural laws as Newton, Einstein, and other great physicists and philosophers. They connected gravity to the stars, the sun and the moon as well as the daily story of life on earth. We all kno...
Stories about shamanic experiences.