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Showing posts from July, 2012

The Sixteen Gateways - Spider (part 2).

SPIDER GATEWAY: I n recent years I’ve often come across people who hesitate to make choices and act on them because they are afraid of conflict or consequences. It was infuriating to watch JP for example literally stand paralyze over initiations dealing with silence and generosity. How difficult is it to sit still and listen?  Too many people need to constantly fill “the silences” in a conversation because they are afraid of what they will find or feel within the dead moments.  With living in a community setting for over a decade I learnt fairly quickly how important it was to become confortable with silence alone and with others.  It takes self-awareness and presence to be able to share silence with others and not feel overwhelmed or uneasy.   I’ve always found that you can learn more about someone by listening to them through silence rather then focusing on their words.  At the convent as I was growing up, the sisters often encouraged ...

The Sixteen Gateways to the Medicine Wheel (part 1).

It’s been a wonderful summer: Lots of sun and heat.   It’s the kind of summer I remember enjoying as a child and teenager; but ironically haven’t witnessed since my children were born.    When I was growing up my grandfather often compared his childhood with mine; showing me each time how much our worlds were different. I loved listening to his stories because they invited me into the unknown where I could imagine a life without a refrigerator, television or even cars.   Recently, I’ve been noticing how much my life has been different then the life of my children.   It’s no longer difficult to understand the Mayan perspective that all it takes for the world to change is 52 years. In August of 2012 we’ll be celebrating a Blue Moon.   This event occurs approximately every 3 years when there are two Full Moons in the same month.   The second Full Moon of the month is what we refer to as a Blue Moon.   ...

Coming to Terms with Ritual.

It’s amazing how many people fear the idea of ritual especially if it isn’t attached to common or popular beliefs.   I’ve noticed most people are fine with ritual if it’s within a Church setting or as part of an official ceremony (ie. in the military, inauguration, jury trials or a scientific symposia etc..).   Not too many people realize that something as simple as a handshake; a smile to acknowledge another motorist; or a simple “hello” on the phone also consists as a ritual.   People become wary of ritual when they feel it is something more then symbolic.   In the late 1600 if individuals were found with ritualistic tools in their homes it was enough evidence to accuse them of witchcraft.   If ritual is used to manifest healing then right away it’s about the wiles of a charlatan.   Those who imply that ritual can manifest love, money and good health are often judged as manipulators; and in the same breath often persecuted for ma...

Empowerment a Personal Attitude.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.   Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.   It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.   Your playing small does not serve the world.   There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.   We are all meant to shine as children do.   It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone.   And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.   As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” *Marianne Williamson. I came across this great quote this weekend; which summarized for me – my 2012 experience.   I don’t know why; but it seems that more so then ever this year the synchronicities seem to be pointing toward the importance of empowerment when it comes to learning and healing.   Ironically, the Universe may ...