How difficult is it to sit still and
Too many people need to constantly fill “the
silences” in a conversation because they are afraid of what they will find or
feel within the dead moments. With
living in a community setting for over a decade I learnt fairly quickly how
important it was to become confortable with silence alone and with others. It takes self-awareness and presence to be
able to share silence with others and not feel overwhelmed or uneasy. I’ve always found that you can learn more about
someone by listening to them through silence rather then focusing on their
At the convent as I was growing up, the
sisters often encouraged periods of silence.
Quite a few students struggled with the idea of “not talking” during the
lunch period or even during class. It was always the same pupils who would end
up in retention. Personally I always
enjoyed “silence”. It always allowed me
to focus on my thoughts and feelings; and sort them out. I always understood this “retreat time” as
catering to my inner garden. I saw it as
praying; working on myself; and listening or gathering knowledge about the
world around me. As I learnt about the
Medicine Wheel, I came to understand this “silent experience” as the Spider
No doubt the Spider is a lot about FEAR but
it’s also about “the garden experience.”
It’s about self-discovery. What
defines us? What challenges us? And how do we react to the World around
It took JP a few years before she finally
understood that all she needed to do was to trust and jump; commit to the
experience. When KT started school she
came home with math homework one night.
She sat on the couch with her math book on her head.
We looked at her curiously and asked: “What
are you doing?”
She replied: “Waiting for the math to go
into my brain.”
We laughed so hard that it actually hurt
KT’s feelings at first. We had to
lovingly explain to her that she needed to open the book; dedicate to the
learning; and practice some abilities in order to master the math. She was angry and frustrated at first because
she had expected it to be easier and magical.
So many people expect to have everything figured out even before they’ve
dedicated to learning and healing. Too
many fears these days about not wanting to look foolish or being
inadequate. We don’t want to be
humiliated or embarrassed. We want for
people to be impressed with us even before we’ve earned the experience.
I notice that FEAR is often about a lack of
self-esteem, insecurities and a lack of fate.
Fear often comes about when we start trusting the words and experiences
of others over our own. Ironically many
of JP’s fears were tied to upbringing or conditioning.
How many of us believe that “if we can’t
trust what our parents, our religion or cultural upbringing have taught us we
are lost?” Too many people believe that
their identity depends on what others see in them or expect of them. So many people cling to conditioning and fear
the unknown so much so that they are willing to persecute and destroy it…
When children start screaming at the sight
of spiders most parents will rush in with a shoe and squash the insect;
teaching their kids that whatever scares them has to be horrible and has to be killed.
I always showed CT and KT how to remove the
spider with the help of a sheet of paper and a glass; and free it outside.
“Get creative” I used to say, “and find
ways to explore your fears and move beyond them.”
It seemed important to teach the kids to
understand that we are the makers of our fears.
We should take responsibility for our own creations and be careful not
to hurt or destroy the innocent. At camp
CT would often get upset when kids or camp coordinators would kill
spiders. It would remind his peers that
the humans were the real intruders when out in nature.
It’s so important to shift perspective when
fear takes hold of our lives. When I was
growing up my mother struggled with agoraphobia. She was unable to leave the
house and often had panic attacks at the thought of being home alone. Whenever she found herself in a situation
where she couldn’t control the events she would get anxious, aggressive and
irrational. It would be impossible to
calm her down and too many times it would shift into a traumatic and dramatic
affair. When I think of the Spider
gateway I can’t help but refer to this part of my life.
My mother’s anxiety disorder had a huge
impact on my life. I believe it affected
my sister, my brother and me very differently. This is one thing I often repeat to my
students when we explore the Spider gateway.
What scares one person many not frighten another. The focus should never be on the SPIDER
(fear); but more so on the web (the impact it has on the world) it weaves.
As a child my paternal grandmother was a
huge fan of horror movies. On Halloween
she would dress up as a Dracula and pretend to suck our blood. My grandmother loved to tell stories; which would
scare us. She talked about alien attacks
and possessions; and managed in many instances to make us believe in these
horrible stories. I think most of my
childhood fears came from my grandmother.
I look back fondly at these memories because my grandmother was an
interesting character and she left a memorable impact.
I think that fears are part of growing up and even crucial to our upbringing. It always boils down to how we react to fears and what we do with them.
I think that fears are part of growing up and even crucial to our upbringing. It always boils down to how we react to fears and what we do with them.
P.S. There are so many different ways to
explore the SPIDER. I’ve shared a few
perspectives; but I’m curious about YOURS.
Take a moment to comment on this blog entry by sharing some of your
SPIDER story.
One thing that confirmed for me that this will be a challenge for the blue moon, was that Ryan, my Fiance, bought a car recently. It is a manual drive and I don't know how to drive a stick. He tells me that I absolutely have to learn and he will help me. Part of what scares me is that I absolutely have no idea how it all works, how a person can coordinate everything involved in driving a stick shift. Thank god Ryan is so reassuring to me and tells me we will do it out in the country where there is no one to hit and I can go as slow as I want to get the hang of it.
All I can tell myself, and tell other people when we talk about it is that I just have to experience it to understand it...it's the fact that I have never done it before that causes the fear.
Thanks Lisa, this blog really put a great perspective on it all for me...It doesn't feel all looming anymore...but I am still a little scared ;)
I really hope you confront your fear...
The experience will most definitely reveal to you -- the story behind the fear.
Healing is behind all of this -- I'm sure.
Thanks again Lisa!
Once I can answer one or more, or all of these questions I can move past the fear.
It's helping me a lot to really look at my gates and what they are calling me to do.
I am learning to move past many fears. I Know it is through meeting you and attempting to understand the teachings that I am able to do this. Thank you.
When I read of KT and her math it makes me think of DJW, he has a tough time with some things. We are still working on things but I see improvements. He teaches me so much by how he is.
When I was 6 or 7 I recall my Dad having a reaction to a spider. It was running across the stone fireplace, he was calling to my Mum to get rid of it.
I have been working on this since I fell pregnant with SWW. I recognised that it was an irrational fear and I did NOT want my son to carry it because of my reaction....didnt quite happen.
Still I have an initial reaction to spiders, but now the story is somewhat differnt, instead of staying in reaction I make a decision. Do I want to move it? Why?
The same day, before I read your blog, I had been watering my plants in the conservatory. As I watered I noticed a spider run out of the pot and cling to the edge of the pot whilst the water was sipped by the plant. I sat and watched it. It wasn't harming anything, infact, I had disturbed it. As I stood watching, I noticed a whole load of cobwebs inbetween the stems at the base and inside perhaps two or three other spiders. It made me shudder, although none of them were moving. I thought, who are they harming? I'll leave them. I checked myself to see if it was a cop out and thought nah, I'm all right with them.
I walked away to get more water for my other plants and I noticed the spider that had been clinging to the pot was now exploring the table where my sons coat and clothes sat.
I made a decision, it would have to go. SWW definitely does not like spiders. I couldnt just leave it to wander around his stuff. I got some tissue and it crawled onto it. I placed it in the garden instead.
This would not have happened a few years ago.
I also had a dream the night before reading this blog.
I saw three doors, it was a public bathroon. It was dimly lit and I didnt know what was behind the door. I decided to walk through it, even though I thought there was something creepy the other side. I went through the door and sat down on the toilet and faced a door that had lots of spiders on it. There was only a reaction of oh! no reaction of fear as such.
In the past there has always been a reaction of fear, in regards to spider, in my dreams.
I wonder if this stems from an experience I had in the garden recently. The sun was actually shining, and as I sat next to the family wheel I noticed that spider had built a web right across where the family wheel sits.
She sat in the centre and it all just looked perfect, I could make out where she had joined her web and made sure I didnt break it. As I sat and looked around I could make out lots of strands all over the garden, really long strands that were highlighted by the sun. It looked really pretty and made me think just how awesome it is to witness something like that.
I am really learning to appreciate so many different things. Especially since looking at the gates.
Thanks again Lisa, GREAT blog.
Thank you for sharing your story about SPIDER in your life and family life.
Loved it. It's great that you were able to move from FEAR to GRATITUDE.
The gates bring us to the Dream Time where we learn and heal.
It's amazing how much we can get from crossing the gates.
I love the way your story showed us how much you can get by crossing the Spider gateway.
As I spun further into addiction, going deeper into the darkness of the underworld, my realtiy became very blurred. I claim this to be my most magical time in my past where my thoughts were created on instant, unfortunately due to addiction those thoughts were very unrealistic.
The light came to me again not to long ago and I found my way back to this world. After being back and clearheaded I met a man, whom dumbfounded me once again, when entering his personal space for the first time, was a huge prominent dragon ornament on his wall. Flashbacks to my dragon choice blazed my mind. For the past year and a half I believed this was the choice, that guy or this one. I see now how simple my mind is and how much greater the web actually is.
I chose the Lizard last blue moon. I chose to conjure up my nightmares first, instead of walking through my fears. As I come upon this blue moon, I am seeing spiders more then I ever have in the past. My mind would go to the man that I identified as a spider, I see how limited I have been. I am being given another chance to learn who I truly am, I am being given a chance to embrace the spider!
Writing that I feel sick with fear. So ironic is the way our emotions work, the lizard should bring more fear to my mind then getting a chance to release my low self esteem and stand in my own power. Ass backwards, I am!! :)
Thank you for the clarity Lisa!!