Almost 25 years ago when I started teaching the Medicine Wheel I struggled with the language. I found it difficult to lecture crowds of people who vowed that science was more credible then Indigenous beliefs. Often I was criticized for being New Age because of the vocabulary. It took me almost a decade of learning / healing – to be able to claim the language and convey the sacred knowledge / science that exists through it or behind it. I understood this process as “ reasoning .” The Wheel shows us how important it is to choose a path and walk it.... Manifest it. In the beginning I often had monologues where all I did was defend the ancestral ways. When one day, a Mohawk Medicine Man I met in Montreal said to me: “Don’t bother trying to convince anyone. Work on being convinced your self.” In 1988 I was diagnosed with autonomic neuropathy. The doctors didn’t seem to know much about the disease except that eventually it ...
Stories about shamanic experiences.