During the weekend of May 11th,
we celebrated Mother’s Day. In our home
there are two perspectives to this celebration; which I feel is the reason why
we can actually enjoy the day. I personally
think it’s a celebration tainted with romanticism and manipulated by
capitalism. The sentiment may be “nice”;
but like many other Western celebrations it brings to the surface all kinds of
issues nobody is really interested to work through. When you focus on the “nice” you often give
permission to people to ignore “the shadow / the wrong.” My children sincerely
always treat me as if Mother’s Day is every day; but on the actual celebratory
date they tend to reason out the meaning behind it all more so then usual and
because of it – we always have a nice time.
Lately, I’ve been exploring the Moons. There are 13 Moons on the Medicine Wheel and
they refer to a cycle of development, transition and growth. Basically the Moons help us explore our inner
children; inner adolescents; inner adults; and eventually inner elders. Thirteen for each. Each phase offers different challenges;
different perspectives; and different experiences / wisdom. If you move through the Moons without any
kind of awareness; without the ability to parent them; and /or any attempt to
integrate them you end up carrying burdens left behind by missing pieces of the
soul or what we call “broken moons.”
My husband and I married young. ET was 22 years old when he said: “I do” and
I was 23. By 25 years old we had two
children. Both our kids are now young
adults. CT is 23 and KT is 22. Recently they’ve both been asking lots of
questions about our state of mind 23 years ago.
How could we have gotten married so young
and how did we make it work?
Did we know we were going to be good
Did we ever struggle with our decisions?
Did we ever struggle with our decisions?
Did we ever talk about divorce?
And did we go through the same kind of
challenges young people have to deal with whether financial, emotional,
psychological and even relating to maturity?
This year, my husband and I are celebrating
our 25th anniversary and I have to admit we often discuss how
incredibly lucky we are to still be together and to still be happily
married. We look at the different paths
we could have taken and how they would have led us elsewhere. We understand that despite the challenges,
the choices we made and each of our personalities what seemed to guide us was the
way we uniquely reasoned each experience and always transformed them into
opportunities. ET was a pessimist from the
moment I met him and I was an incurable optimist. We always met each other half way and
ironically along the years, he became more of an optimist and I more of a
pessimist. We allowed ourselves space to
change: To learn, to heal and to
grow… For us it was never about who was
right and who was wrong. It was never
about who would win! It was always about
doing it together.
Just this past weekend we were shopping for
a boat when we met this young woman not older then 26 years old who was telling
us that she was selling her boat because of a divorce. She seemed upset and you could see just by
watching the way she spoke and behaved that she had lost a part of herself
through this separation. Her parents
were there as well and for half an hour my husband and me listened to a tall
tale of deceit and disappointment; which unfortunately left one more child
without a solid family.
The boat was nice; but what were we
accepting to carry through this exchange?
In the last two decades especially, both ET and I have learnt that
everything comes at a cost above and beyond money. Energy is a topic people often talk about;
but it’s often superficial and as a means to divulge eccentricity. In our house it’s an anchored topic and
ignoring it often gets us in trouble. I
personally like the way we take energy seriously and allow our perception of it
to lead the way. Many of our decisions
are made after acknowledging the presence of energy; describing its form and
intent; and then, seeing whether or not we are prepared for what it will
I often wonder why some of us are capable
of detachment where so many people are not.
Part of teaching the Medicine Wheel, Shamanism and Indigenous Dreaming
means accepting to have initiates / students.
While my children were growing up I often toured the elementary schools,
high schools, Cegeps and Universities in our region. Eventually, I was called in to speak in
schools in the Maritimes, other Provinces and even out of country. One thing I noticed in most students across
the Planet was their readiness to criticize their teachers. Students always had high expectations when it
came to their education but most of all they sought out the most fantastic and
often heroic characteristics in their mentors.
The process of learning for both students
and teachers may be similar in some ways and yet completely different in
others. It often takes acknowledging the
fact that everyone is journeying and then, showing each spoke they stand on --- on the Wheel for everyone to start understanding
that the only expectations we should truly have should be about ourselves and
our story.
On the other hand what is so wrong about
wanting heroes in our lives…
When I explore the Moons on the Medicine
Wheel I see how they are truly meant to develop heroes. Unfortunately, it is not a perspective most of
us were taught to adopt; to understand profoundly; to integrate in our lives;
and eventually teach others. I imagine a
world where attitudes, behaviours and perspectives were influenced by the
Sacred Circle tradition and I see “utopia.”
When people ask me: “Why did we destroy
Indigenous cultures and wisdom?”
I often reply: “Because it was the path we
walked on from the start and weren’t mature or wise enough to step off of… Our teachers told us to change; but we
disregarded our teachers because we needed the experience. We basically sang a song and this song –
played this story.”
I was telling my husband this weekend how
blessed we’ve been to be touched and educated in the ways of the ancestors. Both our children were raised according to
the Wheel. They may complain every now
and again that they don’t fit in this Western world; but 85% of the time they
praise their story and their upbringing.
When I see so many people struggle with self esteem, self-confidence,
self worth, self love and self acceptance – I shrug off their complaints to
lack of maturity and naturally so… Already at 22 and 23 years old they are
decades ahead of their parents even though they may not see it or feel it yet. The awareness will come when they reach their
late adult phase and their elder phase.
MR, an elder and teacher of the Wheel in
Alberta and dear friend of mine recently said to me that “she was feeling
called to teaching more about the Moons.”
No doubt I feel this call as well. Synchronically it seems that everything
around me whispers the movement of the Moons and demands for balance. Perhaps we are reaching a peak of sufferance. Will we continue to climb into despair or
will we attempt to take another path?
Since MOONS are a huge topic for me lately
– I’d like to write a few blogs on them.
If you have any questions about the Moons or your journey with them –
please write to me at wapeyit@hotmail.com
or leave your feedback / questions in the comment section of this blog. Thank you. I’d like to be able to get back to my 3 to 4
blog entries a month as I used to … I
appreciate everyone’s feedback and especially your blog suggestions. Keep them coming. Thank you.
Moon on the Wheel)
I like the pic too reminds me of the Blue Moon last year.
Having the teachings of the Wheel has helped me a lot. I know there are many things that need healing within our personal lives but I feel extremely blessed that I have access to the MW and its teachings.
I have a pretty big dream and I need the Wheel as a constant source of guidance.
It would be great if more families could be aware of the MW to help guide them.
I see a MW group is needed here.
I have felt as though I didn't have enough knowledge to begin something like this but maybe I do.
There are so many out there that have broken moons and need some guidance.
I look forward to your next blog Lisa. I think Reasoning is the Moon my son and I was born in.