I get a lot of questions about totems from individuals who struggle in
their relationships. It makes sense since the word itself
"totem" implies "relations." There are no better
teachers than animals, plants and stones when it comes to understanding
"how to live together." Just a few weeks ago my husband and I
took a weekend trip to the country. On the way there we noticed a few areas
where there had been rockslides. As we drove around the stones we were
pretty amazed at the size of them. Both my husband and I pulled different
lessons and wisdom from the incident.
He said: "I wouldn't want to be in the way when one of those cliffs
let's go of something major."
It brought us to discuss the relationships of a few couples in our
lives. The kind of individuals who need to constantly vent about their
mates but don't have the courage to be forward and clear with them. They often
argue and put a damper on those evenings we were all looking forward to
ET asked: "What are you supposed to do stay clear of them?"
It just seemed to me that it was exactly what the rockslide was
advising. From my side I was more impressed with the beauty and precision
of the crack. All through their youth, I've been watching my kids move
through several relationships. It's the age where we learn about
"relations": What it takes to make them work.
What always impresses me is how the Universe triggers the end so to
speak and makes it crystal clear. It takes listening to the facts and
accepting to move on. All relationships bring us to grow but the lasting
relations are about growing together.
As a child I always said that I was a wolf growing in a family of
cats. My father and mother were so much like Lions. My mother took
care of us kids and worked full time, my father was a traveling salesman
and showed up every now and again. My brother was actually born in July
and he certainly carried the Leo personae stereotypically. And then there
was my sister the cub who often behaved like a stray cat. Honestly, I found
it difficult to grasp the feline mentality. As a Wolf I seemed to respond
to a completely different set of rules.
Unfortunately, I left home at the age of nineteen years old after a catfight
with my mother. Looking back I wish we could have agreed to disagree
rather than constantly fight for territory. Still, I admired the strength
and endurance my family possessed literally in every scenario. They taught me
to be stubborn, strong and independent. My Wolf learnt to lead and to grow
into an Alpha from a household of felines.
Cats are resilient and perseverant. When they are not happy they make
you feel it. They are solitary creatures. As I was growing up it
often felt like it was always about them: Their feelings, their goals, their
fears, and their due. And it was! Cats often give you the sense that
they are entitled to pretty much everything. Looking back at my mother's
story as well as my sister's it seemed they often walked around the element of
Love. I learnt really early in life that stray cats have torturous, hard lives;
while those felines that get adopted into good homes where they are loved
unconditionally usually grow into affectionate pets who know how to give back.

When I met my husband I knew that we shared traits in common. We
both excelled through team work; knowing when to jump in and surrender. We
had predator perspectives; enjoying the hunt / journey above and beyond the
outcome. We never stopped until we got the tasks, chores or projects done. We were always practical, loyal and committed individuals. We believed in being attentive to our environment. It wasn't just about us. Nevertheless,
I saw right away from the beginning that I needed pack members and possessed the skills to find
them and bring them together. He could work with whatever he got... At work he excels with people in general. I need individuals who share a common perspective.
It took a trip out west in 1986 to discover that my husband was not a
Wolf but an Orca. He became totally fascinated with these whales
especially after witnessing a pod of them during a boat excursion. They
scared me; but with him it was like finding home. The exact feeling I had
with Wolves. It was then that we started pointing out the similarities
between the Killer Whale and the White Wolf. We learnt that these whales
were actually referred to as the Wolves of the Sea. Interestingly enough
learning about these creatures showed us why "we work" and "why
sometimes we need to shift perspective to work."
From birth we knew the totems of our children. It's not always the
case especially in families, which have lost touch with nature and totems
(the fact that they are related to all things). Our son is Wolf like me, and
our daughter is a Bear. It was interesting at first to watch our children
interact. It often did look like a Bear swiping at a barking, growling
Wolf. By being aware of these animals and loving their individual totems, both
our kids developed into the strength and beauty of these creatures and learnt
to share the forest. Today they co-exist wonderfully.
It doesn't surprise me that having babies is more important to my
daughter, while the band and the guys (musicians) are a must to my son. We
embody the characteristics and sometimes should even follow the diet of our
totems to actually feel balanced. It's quite impressive the way totems
affect relationships people-to-people level and relationships at the Me/Myself
At the beginning of the blog entry I spoke of plants, animals and stones
to show that totems reach beyond the animal kingdom. I've always loved
trees. Several years ago I decided to take my students out on a field
trip. I wanted them to have the experience of trees. To dream their
stories. It was interesting how some people related to some trees and not
others. After a bit of research many of them came back acknowledging that
the trees they had connected to represented them and their attitudes as well as
I've always loved red Maple trees. As soon as I planted a few I
discovered that they had a slow growth. Yet, once they reach 25 years and
over they strive and get noticed. So much about their story resembles my
own. No doubt my parents were conifers. They often pointed out as we
were growing up how much they loved Pine trees. We never had a home
without the presence of a Pine tree.
As I was discovering my tree totems I discovered I was Pine at the soul
level. Suddenly a few of the puzzle pieces fell together. I
understood better some of my life scenarios as well as the roles my family
members played in my growth development. Today, I teach this aspect of the
Medicine Wheel and try to explain to people that it's not about giving reason
to the negative in our lives but also perceiving the positive; building on
There are countless ways to explore relations and each exploration
brings forth the mystery, magic, and of course challenges, which exist between
people / or fragments. MR and I for example (authors of this blog)
connected at the Butterfly level. The fact that we were both born on the
same day (June 16th) and are Gemini, allowed us to confirm that we are together
to explore "the air element." We always manage to deeply connect
at the intellectual / psyche level. It made sense that we would become both
teachers of the Medicine Wheel, writers and lecturers. Friends, sisters, family
seems to be the way of this insect.
I recommend that you all start looking at your relationships as well as
your environment as a constant totemic discussion. This way you'll learn
so much about yourself, your family and community as well as your World.
I appreciate this blog a lot. We often forget to look at our instinctual natures, yet we inter-relate so much from an animal perspective.
I like this line...
"All relationships bring us to grow but the lasting relations are about growing together."
It is true that we need to have compatibility at some level or with similar totems when we connect with someone. I am also wolf, but for some reasons I have always had cats instead of dogs... not sure why.
There is more to think about in your blog as there always is, it warrents several readings as usual.
Then I realized something.
I use to play mountain wolf when I was a kid... for hours, even for several days in a row!! My best friend and I would say that we were posing as human but that we were really wolf and that we should be discovered. Then at night we would go deep into the wood and "hunt" and trying to make a nest with branches and mud. Trying to blend into the branches whenever someone walked by. I'm pretty sure we freaked out a bunch of people! lol!
Eh! I wonder why I just remembered it now.
Why talk about wanting to be a Wolf with a name like Coyote?
Love your blog Lisa.
I'll be back to read again too.
Thank You!