Sacredness is often mistaken for politeness, kindness and goodness. I find these days, every time the topic is brought up it’s as a mask used to express Christian and New Age dogma. People use the word “sacredness” to imply anything and everything that they judge as “proper behaviour, proper attitude, proper choice and proper exchange.” When you leave people to understand “words” through definitions, you’re often left with a medley of perspectives; which don’t have much substance. I remember watching my grandparents do cross-word puzzles every Sunday morning as I was growing up. It seemed to be a popular activity amongst the old folks in the 1970’s. Every time I gave it a try I always gave up because it seemed I lacked the vocabulary. Until one day, my grandfather assisted me with one of the puzzles and said: “It’s not about vocabulary: It’s about experience.” Like many of the First Nation elders who still speak thei...
Stories about shamanic experiences.