It was raining this morning when Gérard and me decided to take the dogs out for a walk. Summer time is the only season where I enjoy being outdoors when it rains. I think even the dogs appreciated the scene despite the fact that they were dripping wet by the time we returned home. They played for a while in the backyard and we were able to towel them down before heading into house. Suddenly a rainy morning became a moment of perfection where all of our senses were wide open and savoring. I noticed recently that Gérard and I often share our dreams during our dog walk in early morning. I think part of it is because “our dreams are still fresh in our minds” and we are still trying to figure out their meaning. My teacher on the other hand, probably would have pointed out “how nature gives us better access to dream imprints” – explaining why we always start our conversations as we reach the park. As traditional Dreamers, Gérard and I w...
Stories about shamanic experiences.