For most people dreaming is simply about “living or witnessing vivid and emotional stories while they sleep.” If they are lucky some of these dreamers have “lucid experiences while they dream and can report having a life in some other dimension or reality.” It’s rare to meet the kind of Dreamer who has a strong understanding that what he or she dreams is not only a mental or symbolic expression of their daily concerns or curiosities; but is also a powerful tool. When I introduce myself as a “traditional Dreamer” I’m not using a “title;” which I eventually hope my students will exploit. No. I’m using as little words as possible to speak of myself, of my journey, and of the story or dream that I’ve been living for the last 53 years. Every elder or Dreamer that has dreamt like I dream will use a word that best describes them and their journey and story / or dream. In the 1800’s people used the word “Dream Walker” to describe the kind of dreaming t...
Stories about shamanic experiences.