I recently uncovered that Sacred Sexuality was one of the HOT TOPICS for this year's International Conference on Shamanism. I mentioned this to my students and brought it up on a Facebook Community that Sarah (a student and friend) started a few years back. This is one of my postings on the topic and since I didn't want to loose it for further references -- I brought it here. In 1999 -- I picked up this article on Sacred Sexuality where an ethnologist was talking about the different rites of Love and Sex all over the World. I liked the article because the ethnologist took a Shamanic perspective. He talked about tribal living and how people used certain rituals to teach each other how to be collectively healthy. I found it fascinating. For example he talked about Greeks (ancestors 1700) and how they were publicly affectionate with each other -- to teach their children how to be open and intimate with their own people (Greeks obviously). He also mentions the worshipping of ...
Stories about shamanic experiences.